If you have multiple monitors it will capture the image on all screens. If you don’t like using the paint, you can...
Windows Articles
Radeon 4850 poor performance due to lack of Vulkan?
This component can load multiple programs in memory, but it’s very limited in the amount of processes it can run at...
Security check
I used the graphical user interface to install a new driver. I did not disable secure boot as I now see you had...
“One day I will make onions cry…” – TheButler
How To Record Screen On Windows 10
I think this is easier to take a screen shot than the snipping tool if you want the whole screen. For the above three...
Uninstall and Remove Acer Drivers Update Utility 2 4 Step by Step
Right-click on a specific driver, and select Update the driver. Which driver are you using exactly, is it iwlwifi? I...
How to Rotate Screen Windows 10 Laptop
Prelude may not support all Win 11 display features and UI elements. Media Encoder may not support all Win 11 display...
Windows was unable to repair the drive: How can I fix that?
Managing background apps is a great way to enhance your device’s power consumption. This can lead to better...
Come Fare Backup PC Windows 10
Se vuoi cambiare il giorno e la data in cui Windows deve eseguire la pianificazione, non devi far altro che cliccare...
Windows Startet Nicht Mehr
Windows 10 und Windows 11 sammeln viele Daten und senden diese Telemetrie-Informationen an Microsoft. Um welche Dinge...
Come Ripristinare Le Icone Sparite Dal Desktop Windows 10
Per riuscirci, collegati a questa pagina del sito di Microsoft, digita il product key della tua copia di Windows 7 nel...
Miglior Tablet Windows 10
Aggiunta la possibilità di aggiungere contatti, siti web preferiti sulla barra della applicazioni, e la possibilità di...
Come Cambiare Screensaver Su Windows 11 Guida Aggiornata
Con un account Microsoft, è possibile reimpostare la password in qualsiasi momento utilizzando un dispositivo connesso...