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The Bond I Feel With Other Bipolar People Is Inexplicable

Written by John Manyasi (TheButler)

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May 28, 2023

And then last year, I met a doctor who gently disagreed. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Psych Central does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. How to cope when a loved one has a serious mental illness. Rates of separation and divorce are higher in couples where one partner has bipolar disorder.

Dating or being married to a person with bipolar disorder has challenges, and like any relationship, communication, understanding, and support can benefit the relationship. Partners should be clear about when it feels like a relationship is or isn’t working for them. Strategies to enhance and improve the relationship are available through individual or couples counseling. However, the emotional impact of recurrent mood swings on either party can lead partners to feel like a relationship isn’t healthy anymore. The diagnosis of a mental health condition is not a red flag. Many people with various mental health conditions, including bipolar disorder, lead balanced and meaningful lives.

With ADHD, impulsive acts are driven by something someone wants to do. With BD, people having a manic episode feel driven to do acts that, when not manic, they would have no desire to do. Someone who has both bipolar disorder and alcohol use disorder or another addiction is said to have a dual diagnosis. Treatment may require the expertise of mental health professionals who specialize in the treatment of both disorders. While people with bipolar disorder may switch between extreme moods of mania and depression, people with autism rarely cycle in the same way. Sometimes, bipolar disorder comes with lowered self-awareness.

But if the relationship is unhealthy and either person sees red flags, it may be time to consider ending the relationship. If dating someone rich made life easy, then the opposite would be dating someone with bipolar disorder. It’s harder, but if you find it endearing, then it may be more enjoyable and worthwhile. Just like some people seek out artsy types or jocks, I’d imagine some would seek out bipolar disorder individuals just for our own unique fire we bring to everything. The psychiatrist who told me I had bipolar 2 gave me a common prescription for the disorder, Lamictal. I took it, and for the first time in 30 years — my entire life — I stopped experiencing anxiety.

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Its origin is unclear, and while genetic factors may play a role, no one gene causes it to appear. While it can’t be cured outright, bipolar disorder can be managed effectively through treatment and care, allowing a person with it to live a healthy, happy life. While most couples have their disagreements and rough patches, dating someone who has bipolar disorder can sometimes feel like riding an emotional rollercoaster. In no way does this mean you can’t find happiness together; like any other condition, bipolar disorder is just a part of your partner’s life.

When Do Bipolar Disorder Symptoms Usually Start?

The diagnostic process often starts with a physical exam and laboratory tests to rule out other issues such as thyroid problems which can cause mood swings. The patient must have experienced at least one episode of mania. These behaviors, however, occur for very different reasons, and there are distinct symptoms that exist only in autism and only in bipolar disorder.

Before talking to a partner/spouse about bipolar hypersexuality, take some time to consider their perspective. It can be hard for them, too, especially if there has been infidelity. Go into the conversation https://loveconnectionreviews.com/ with compassion, and suggest ways to work on trust, commitment, and possible coping strategies for the symptoms. This can increase during manic episodes, along with general energy and activity levels.


Additionally, engaging in relationship counseling may also be beneficial to help identify common areas of stress and to develop methods of healthy communication. The answer to this question really depends on the individual, as everyone is different in many respects, including in the bedroom. Bipolar disorder, as it is a mental disorder, is likely to have an effect on sexual behavior in some way.

No matter how invested you are in your relationship, it’s important to practice self-care. Take advantage of your greater involvement in mental health awareness to look after your own wellness with an equally compassionate eye. Most people can benefit from therapy, so don’t hesitate to care for yourself. Maintaining your mental health will help keep you steady in times of difficulty and let you assist your partner to your fullest abilities. If you’re dating someone with this diagnosis, the strength of your relationship will be built in part on your ability to understand why they may become withdrawn or act out. This is the foundation of being a supportive partner, and it can help the two of you create a bond built on trust and mutual acceptance.

It can be difficult for a person’s partner to know what to say or do to help. They may feel rejected, mistaking symptoms as a lack of interest in the relationship. Unpredictable or intense mood changes define the heart of bipolar disorder.

When patients are in the throes of a manic episode, their sense of themselves can become grandiose or narcissistic. Sometimes it is subtle (“I am a better driver than anyone I know”), and other times it can be detached from reality (“I have an amazing ability to do everything”). “I had been told I had something called ‘Limbic and Ring of Fire ADHD,’ which could be treated with supplements.

Sometimes, you may need some help coping with your partner’s condition and the effect it’s having on your relationship. Make sure you have your own support system of friends, loved ones, and counselors who can provide advice and encouragement when you need it. Your partner’s best chance for managing their condition lies in following their treatment plan. You can show your support for them by helping them stick with the treatment plan created by their doctor. This is the first thing you should do when you start a relationship with someone who has bipolar disorder. Read about the condition so you understand what your partner is dealing with — and what you’ll be dealing with.

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